These guidelines are set at or below 185% of the federal poverty line and based on your household size.Īll applicants must bring proof of income to their appointment. To meet WIC’s income requirement, the person(s) applying for WIC (or applicant’s) gross income (your income before taxes) must meet the income guidelines. Examples of nutritional risk include low-iron level, underweight, poor eating habits. (at or below 185% of Federal Poverty Guidelines or on Medicaid or SNAP) You do not have to be a citizen of the United States. Be in one of the following categories (type of participant): Pregnant women, Breastfeeding women, Non-breastfeeding (postpartum) women, Infants, Children.People who apply for WIC must meet all of the following: You can call the State WIC Office at 1-80 or send an email to of Public Health-WIC Program If you have a complaint against a WIC approved store (Retailer), another WIC participant, a local office or the State WIC Program, you can submit a complaint several ways. Where can I find WIC’s Policies and Procedures? These people may include, but are not limited to, local agency staff and other WIC State or local agencies, people with contracts with the State agency to carry out research about the WIC Program, and persons looking into or taking legal actions about WIC Program abuse under Federal, State or local law. The State agency must limit the use and release of private or confidential information to people that need to have the information to run, operate or oversee the WIC program. WIC protects applicant and participant personal information that it collects no matter how the information is documented or stored. Treat WIC Office staff and store employees with respect and courtesy. If there are changes for you and/or your family in any of the following categories notify your WIC staff: eating habits, income, address, phone number, family size, breastfeeding status.Talk with other moms and WIC nutrition staff about healthy eating for you and your children. Make sure to use it to talk about your family’s needs and set health goals that you can achieve. The Nutritionist will work with you to make a nutrition plan that fits your family. Talk to the WIC Nutritionists about your family’s interests and concerns.If you miss two months in a row during a certification period without calling the WIC Office you may be taken off the program. To get the most out of your time at WIC you agree to do the following:

What do I need to do to be involved in the WIC Program? WIC is available in all fifty states of the United States of America, thirty-four Indian Tribal Organizations, America Samoa, District of Columbia, Guam, Commonwealth Islands of the Northern Marianas, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. To participate in the Connecticut WIC Program a person must live in Connecticut. WIC serves low-income pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women, infants and children up to age five who are at nutritional risk. Electronic Benefits Card to buy healthy foods.Referrals to health and social service programs.Information and help with breastfeeding.The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, better known as the WIC Program, provides: